Your clinic's AI Operating System

Amplifier helps you get the most out of your clinic.

Virtual Agents

Customizable AI assistants trained to your clinic's operations and built to automate patient engagement.

Manage Calls 24/7

Always open, always responsive, and infinitely scalable. Capable of  handling inbound & outbound patient calls.

Workflow Automation

Put action items on autopilot. Take notes, schedule follow-ups and engage  with team members automatically.

Founded by Operators

Amplifier was founded by a team of clinic owners, and technology leaders who deeply understand the challenges facing clinics and healthcare providers.

With this knowledge, we built Amplifier to be a platform that's built from the ground-up to be effective at simultaneously keeping the 'human' in healthcare and automating patient engagement workflows.

OUR mıssıon
Generative AI for better
Health Outcomes

We're on a mission to leverage the power of AI to dramatically improve the human capital efficiency of healthcare clinics around the globe.

Improving patient outcomes and access to healthcare for patients, while limiting operational and administrative burdens for healthcare practitioners.


See how Amplifier can improve day-to-day operations in your clinic.

OUR values

Values at the core of everything we do

Responsible Use

Committed to promoting health and wellbeing through the responsible use of AI, ensuring that every application of our model aligns with the highest ethical standards in healthcare.

Managing Bias

Proactively eliminate biases by creating an inclusive acoustic model from diverse datasets, enabling equitable healthcare support across all languages, groups and conditions.


Our technology prioritizes patient confidentiality, analyzing speech patterns while rigorously protecting personal data, adhering to HIPAA standards, and respecting privacy rights.


Security is paramount at Amplifier Health, where we safeguard patient identity and data integrity with the strictest protocols to ensure that our services are trustworthy and secure.


Get in touch with our virtual agent to book a demo today

(844) 332-4748
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